Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Can't Believe That Just Happened!

That's what I've been saying this past week as I try to wrap my head around that fact that I completed 26.2 miles last Sunday. I know that I did it (my sore muscles were a testament to that), but it is so hard to fathom! Here's a recap:
-Wake, eat breakfast (eggs and toast)
-Arrive at the Depot around 6 a.m.
-Warm-up, wait in line for the bathroom, gather at start line
-RUN! Gave mom a hug. Pretty emotional and nearly started crying. Thought: "I gotta keep this together...I have to run 26 miles!!"
-First 9 miles were pretty good. Knee was sore at the start line, but I tried to push through it. It likes 8 hours of sleep, and that just wasn't possible the few days leading up to 6/5/11.
-Shawna was staked out around mile 9, though I did not see her. I knew she was there though, and that was so helpful and meaningful!
-10-13 was pretty difficult, or at least more difficult than they should have been and than I had expected. I got hungry, so ate a Cliff bar. It was starting to get warmer and more sunny. Hips were in pain, which was totally new and completely unexpected. Wierd.
-13 saw Kelsey and Melissa! They were staked in the perfect place to see me 3 times. So glad to have them there.
-13-19 in the woods at Fort Snelling. I often wondered what happened to people in the woods. Now I know. I wish I didn't :) Those miles were particularly tough, for a number of reasons I think.
>Those miles are always tough
>Being in the woods, there weren't any spectators. I didn't realize how critical that support is until I didn't have it.
>Hill McNasty at mile 18. Thanks to Barb (who was running her 102nd marathon!) I was able to muster up some strength to get up that hill. I am so grateful for her chatting with me and keeping me company, and then still talking to me after I got too cocky and had to walk up McNasty's younger sister. Walking (which actually looked more like me pushing on my knees to make my legs move) up McNasty was the first time I walked. I had previously thought that I would run the whole thing no matter how slow that was. Then I turned that sharp corner in the woods, saw "Welcome to Hill McNasty!" in chalk, looked up and saw that 45 degree incline and that dream vanished.
-Got out of the woods around mile 19.
-Bathroom around mile 19-20.
-Walked some more.
-Mile 21-ish big cheering section (with Jolly Ranchers and pretzels!). They really got me back running again after second bathroom stop (can't remember if there were 2 or 3 total. I think 3, but I only clearly remember 2). Mom ran with me for a mile or so around this point.
-Don't remember much between 21 and 26. I remember bits and pieces, but do not know when they happened.
>Mom biked pretty close to me for much of this stretch.
>I could not consume enough liquids even though my stomach felt distended from all the fluid.
>Feeling it my feet. Like a raw feeling. Not bad, but enough to be noticable.
>Really doubting my sanity at this point. Questioning why I thought I needed to do this. What was I thinking? Knowing I won't be reaching my goal. Thinking: "Shoot! I have to do this ALL AGAIN???!" due to the fact that I wouldn't be making my goal.
>Realizing that my mind is now outside of my body and they are no longer connected. Once I notice that I am walking, but do not know for how long. I definitely had not made a conscious decision to do so! The body does so crazy things when it's in survival mode. I really had to concentrate and focus on getting my body to run instead of walk.
>Duking it out with orange Du jersey girl. Tried to encourage her, but she had none of that.
-Saw Kevin around mile 25-ish. Definitely didn't expect that! He ran with me to about mile 26 and then met me after I crossed the finish line. Was definitely grateful that he was there to pick up the pace a bit and be distracting.
-Cross finish line 5:50:44. Got a bit emotional. More feeling of relief and disbelief and a bit of satisfaction.

This has been such a fantastic journey. The support I received was amazing and I am so thankful for it. I am looking forward to when this actually sinks in!

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