Sunday, April 10, 2011

Long Run

Yesterday (4/9/11) I put in 14 miles in one go: the longest run of my life. The days leading up to the "event" were full of anticipation and excitment. I was a bit nervous as I didn't know how I'd fare. I had memories of the half I did a couple years ago and how I was pretty much down for the count for a few days afterwards. But it was exciting to see how far I could push my body. Where are my boundaries? How far is too far? (It better not be 14 miles!). But the more daunting fact is not this one outing, but that every week from now until June 5 I will have a new longest lifetime run. I've had months to prepare for this one, but now I only have 5-7 days to get my body and mind geared up for the next longest runs of my life. AND we're at less than 2 months until the real long run.
I told Lauren that I have no doubt that my mind can run a marathon. And my heart and lungs could run marathons for days. I just don't want to hit the point where my body's ability trumps my mind's. (But is that even possible?) I also have a feeling that I will look back and think, "What was I so nervous about? Let's do this again tomorrow!" :)

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