Wednesday, April 27, 2011


The most common response to telling people that I'm running a marathon is "You are crazy!".
Maybe I've always been a little crazy. I like to play basketball with one ACL. I enjoy track meets when there's a good down pour. I smile when my muscles, bones, and eyelashes ache after a hard work out. I push. I only have one body, one life and I intend to use it. All of it.
So, if pushing my body to its fullest potential is a little crazy, then I am.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post Meghan - I enjoyed the blurb! :) You go girl! You can do it!! I supported my roommate when she ran her first marathon - I biked next to her and carried all supplies during her months of training! To this day I can still recall the 18 mile run we did on a hot St. Louis morning. It took about 3 hours- i think. That was intense. You can do it!! Again - i'm SOOOOO proud of you! :)
